The Many Names of Shay88

It’s the internet, so we all take on new aliases and screen-names and, perhaps, personalities when we plug in. Like anyone else of my generation I spend quite a bit of time on the internet, and have several different names. Here’s a few, just in case you were curious and wanted to find me elsewhere. Be warned, many all of them are geeky in nature.

GM ace: Standard name used most often in relation to the Mobile Suit Gundam anime franchise. No, it doesn’t come from cars, but from a type of mobile suit (giant robot, for the uninformed), the RGM-79 GM of original MSG fame. Currently used across several forums and games, as well as some old writing. Quite possibly the most used.

RGM-79L: Recognize the serial number? Yeah, another Gundam influenced one, and another type of mobile suit. This is my name at Deviantart. I put stuff up there . . . sometimes.

Blaine Averre: Star Wars based. A name originally made for a PC in a Star Wars computer game, eventually used across a few more forums and games. Is sometimes also seen as Revan Averre. The only other real contender for ‘most used name’ aside from GM ace.

Shay the Stampede: This one’s really old, about six years, and has almost completely fallen out of use. Used back when I was new to the anime scene and Trigun was all that I’d really viewed. A lot of nostalgia to this one, but not much in the way of notable events.

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